Revolutionize Your Sales Outreach: Decreasing Call Attempts with OneMob

In the fast-paced world of sales, connecting with prospects over the phone can be a daunting task. Gartner reports that it takes an average of 18 or more dials to establish a connection, with call-back rates standing below 1%. In such a scenario, it’s evident that traditional cold calling alone might not be the most efficient strategy. However, the phone remains an indispensable tool in sales development, and finding innovative ways to enhance its effectiveness is key. OneMob emerges as a game-changer, offering a solution to decrease the number of attempts required to connect with your prospects.

The Power of Personal Connection:

As the saying goes, “people buy from people they know, like, and trust.” In the realm of sales, establishing a personal connection with your prospects is vital. Instead of cold calling, why not warm up your leads by letting them get to know you first?

  1. Create Engaging Content: OneMob enables you to create compelling, personalized content that goes beyond the limitations of a text-based email. Incorporate videos, presentations, or other multimedia elements to showcase your personality and expertise. A video introduction, product demonstration, or a brief overview of your services can significantly enhance your prospect’s understanding and interest.
  2. Share Personalized Content: With OneMob, sharing your content is seamless. Send your personalized videos or presentations directly to your prospects. This not only sets you apart from the competition but also provides a more engaging and memorable experience for your potential clients.
  3. Track Engagement: The platform allows you to monitor how your prospects engage with the content you’ve shared. Are they watching your videos? Are they clicking through your presentations? Use these insights to gauge interest and tailor your follow-up strategy accordingly.

The OneMob Advantage:

OneMob transforms your outreach by combining the power of personalized content with data-driven insights. When you see engagement, you are no longer making a cold call – you’re reaching out to someone who already knows you, making the conversation more relevant and meaningful.

Say goodbye to being ignored and hello to a more effective sales strategy:

  • Efficiency: Decrease the number of attempts needed to connect with your prospects.
  • Effectiveness: Build a personal connection before the call, increasing the likelihood of a positive response.
  • Insights: Leverage engagement data to refine your approach and tailor your pitch based on your prospect’s interests.


In the dynamic landscape of sales development, adapting to innovative technologies is essential. OneMob not only recognizes the challenges of traditional cold calling but also provides a solution to transform your outreach strategy. By creating engaging content, sharing it with prospects, and leveraging insights, OneMob empowers you to connect with your audience in a more meaningful way. Sign up for free today and revolutionize your sales outreach with OneMob.

Stop being ignored by your customers and prospects with OneMob

Sati Hillyer

Sati Hillyer

Founder and CEO of OneMob

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