Should You Post a Raw Video on LinkedIn or Use a OneMob Video Link?

When it comes to sharing video content on LinkedIn, you might wonder whether to post a raw video directly on the platform or share a OneMob link. Both options have their merits, but the best choice depends on your specific goals and audience needs. Here’s a breakdown to help you decide.

Post a Raw Video on LinkedIn


  1. Higher Engagement: LinkedIn prioritizes native videos, meaning videos uploaded directly to the platform generally achieve better reach and engagement. The algorithm favors content that keeps users on LinkedIn.
  2. Seamless Experience: Videos that play directly in the feed provide a smoother experience for viewers. They start playing automatically, which can capture attention more effectively than a static thumbnail with a link.
  3. Basic Analytics: LinkedIn provides essential analytics such as views, likes, comments, and shares. This data helps measure the video’s impact and engagement levels.


  1. Limited Features: Raw videos uploaded directly to LinkedIn may lack advanced features such as interactive elements, detailed tracking, and customization options.
  2. File Constraints: LinkedIn imposes restrictions on video length (up to 10 minutes) and file size, which might limit your content.

Post a OneMob Link on LinkedIn


  1. Advanced Features: OneMob allows you to create microsites that can include videos, additional content, calls-to-action, and more. This functionality helps in crafting a comprehensive and interactive viewer experience.
  2. Detailed Analytics: OneMob offers granular insights into viewer behavior. You can identify who is engaging with your content and lead magnets, providing valuable data for targeted follow-ups.
  3. Engaging Experience: OneMob’s customization options let you create personalized video experiences that can drive deeper engagement and interaction.


  1. Lower Engagement on LinkedIn: External links generally receive less engagement on LinkedIn compared to native content. Users might be less inclined to click on a link that takes them away from the platform.
  2. Extra Step for Viewers: Viewers have to click on the link to watch the video, which adds an extra step and might reduce the number of views.
  3. Algorithm Penalty: LinkedIn’s algorithm tends to deprioritize posts with external links, potentially reducing the post’s visibility in users’ feeds.


  • For Higher Engagement and Visibility: Post the raw video directly on LinkedIn. This approach is generally better for maximizing engagement and reach within the platform.
  • For Advanced Features and Insights: Use a OneMob video link. This is ideal if your priority is to gain deeper insights into viewer behavior and leverage interactive features.

Hybrid Approach

Consider a hybrid approach where you upload a short teaser or highlight of the video natively on LinkedIn and include a call-to-action with the OneMob link for viewers who want to see the full video or get more details. This strategy leverages LinkedIn’s prioritization of native content while also directing engaged viewers to a more detailed and interactive experience on OneMob. Here’s a great example.

Key Insight

LinkedIn will always prioritize raw videos since it uses their player and keeps more activity on the LinkedIn platform. However, if you have more content to share, destinations to point to, or calls-to-action to drive, also include your OneMob link. This combination allows you to benefit from LinkedIn’s native content boost while offering a richer, more engaging experience through OneMob.

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Sati Hillyer

Sati Hillyer

Founder and CEO of OneMob

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