Send Emails that People will Actually Want to Open (and Watch!)

  Can you remember the last email that stood out to you? Given that we receive so many emails that are solicitous, transactional and dry,  it’s hard to recall. As any professional, this is the last way you want your messaging to come across. Luckily, there are ways to rise above the rest. Taking a few […]

Video Messaging – the New Kid on the Block

If the rumors are true, then Sales Enablement 3.0 is upon us, and this puts us sales and tech professionals at yet another split in the road: to continue down the current path with our social selling and email tracking, or take a slight left at the bend and see what new concepts have surfaced. […]

Video Messaging – the New Kid on the Block

If the rumors are true, then Sales Enablement 3.0 is upon us, and this puts us sales and tech professionals at yet another split in the road: to continue down the current path with our social selling and email tracking, or take a slight left at the bend and see what new concepts have surfaced. […]

Your Emails Are Terrible

Yeah, we said it. Here are five, all too common ways that plain text emails are bringing your sales down. The good news? Video helps turn them around.   Vague Voice You can only say so much about yourself in an email. Words limit our ability to not only convey, but interpret emotions. In fact, […]

Social Selling in 5 Minutes

  In the first of a three-part series, OneMob Sr. Account Executive, Devin Reed, shares his philosophy and methodology for sales communications. Here are his tips for making the most of social selling.   “Break through the noise” is the newest catchphrase in sales departments. But while sales leaders tell you to make your messaging standout, what they really […]