The Power of Concise Videos: Finding the Perfect Length for Your Sales Videos

In today’s fast-paced digital world, capturing and retaining the attention of potential customers is more challenging than ever. Video has emerged as a powerful tool for sales professionals to engage their audience, put a face to a name, and effectively communicate their message. However, the length of your sales videos plays a crucial role in determining their impact. In this blog post, we will explore the ideal video lengths for different roles within the sales process and discuss how combining video with a microsite can enhance your storytelling and accelerate sales conversions.

Finding the Right Video Length for Different Roles

  1. SDR (Sales Development Representative): When creating videos for SDR outreach, it’s essential to keep them short and impactful. Aim for a video length of around 30 seconds. Within this brief timeframe, capture the viewer’s attention, introduce yourself, and establish a connection. By providing a face to the name, you increase the chances of standing out in a crowded inbox and enticing the recipient to learn more.
  2. AE/CSM (Account Executive/Customer Success Manager): As an AE or CSM, you typically have an established relationship with your customers. Therefore, you can afford a slightly longer video to recap your discussions. Aim for a video length of 60 to 90 seconds. Utilize this time to summarize key points from your previous meetings, highlight important takeaways, and reinforce the value proposition of your offering. Remember, your goal is to strengthen the existing relationship and keep the conversation going.
  3. SE/Support (Sales Engineer/Support): Sales engineers and support professionals often need to showcase product demonstrations or explain complex concepts. Consequently, their videos can be slightly longer to accommodate the necessary details. Aim for a video length of 1 to 2 minutes. If you have multiple features or aspects to showcase, consider breaking them down into smaller videos and sharing them as a gallery. This approach allows viewers to consume the content at their own pace and focus on specific aspects of interest. Here’s an example.

Enhancing Your Storytelling with Microsites

While videos are attention-grabbing, they may not provide enough space to convey all the information you want to share. That’s where microsites come in. A microsite acts as an extended platform where you can provide additional details, share supporting materials, and present your business case effectively. Include the microsite link below the video and explicitly call it out in the video itself. Encourage viewers to explore further by pointing down, drawing their attention to the additional resources available. By combining video with a microsite, you create a compelling and comprehensive storytelling experience that resonates with your audience.

Remember, the primary purpose of a sales video is to capture attention. Tailor the length of your videos based on the role you hold in the sales process, ensuring that they are concise, engaging, and leave a lasting impression. Moreover, leverage the power of microsites to supplement your videos, provide more in-depth information, and create a persuasive business case. Best of all, you can achieve all of this for FREE with OneMob. OneMob offers you the perfect tools to achieve this seamlessly and for free. Embrace the power of video and microsites to tell your story, win over more stakeholders, and accelerate your sales success today.

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Sati Hillyer

Sati Hillyer

Founder and CEO of OneMob

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