Getting a hold of your customer’s attention is hard. It doesn’t help that average email open rates are low and email click-through rates are even lower. Fear not, email is still an effective way to reach your audience so I put together some tips and features you can use in OneMob to help increase those open and click-through rates.
Subject Lines
Every article you read about email open rates is going to tell you all about subject lines. Unfortunately, there is no perfect subject line to insert into every email you send that will up your open rate to 100%. At OneMob we’ve noticed that personalized subject lines tend to be opened more. When sending an email directly from OneMob try adding a mail merge field to bring your customer’s name or company into your subject line automatically. In addition, if you can backward engineer your subject line to solve a potential customer business problem or pose a question that your customer would be interested in hearing the answer to you’ll more than likely see your open rates improve.
Looking for more suggestions? Take a look at some of these articles.
Add a Watermark
OneMob allows users to add watermarks to their videos. Watermarks are like a branded sticker that goes on your video. Watermarks are usually seen in your thumbnail which is the image that your recipient will see in their email. Adding a watermark with a company logo or branding can improve click through rates and give your recipients the confidence to click on your link knowing it will not be a malicious link. In addition, instead of using your company’s logo as a watermark try making a customized video and using your customers logo as a watermark. When they see their recognizable logo on your video it will be hard for them to ignore getting the rest of your customized message.
Learn how to add a watermark to your video here.
Green Screen Images
Using a green screen to add a video or image to your OneMob videos is a great way to increase your click through rate. Try including an image of your customers building or job site or even add a video of your customers commercial or YouTube video behind you. Adding these familiar elements to your video will peak your customers interest to watch the entire message. Just make sure your thumbnail looks great so your audience can see what is behind you.
Learn all about OneMob Green Screening here.
Add Text to your video and animate your thumbnail
If you are recording using OneMob’s mobile applications on iPhone and Android you have the ability to add text on top of your video. Try adding some text with your customer’s name, company name, or even a call to action that will prompt your audience to click through to your page. If you save your video to mobile drafts you will have the ability to customize that text every time you send it out. So you can have one generic video that you use over and over again but your customers think it’s customized to them because of the customized text you add to the video before sending.
See how to leverage mobile drafts to re-use a video and edit the text on the video.
OneMob also recently added the ability to give your thumbnails a little more life by turning them into animated thumbnails.
See how to switch to an animated thumbnail here.
Add a video to your email sequence
OneMob has integrations with XANT, SalesLoft and Outreach IO. If you use these email platforms OneMob’s integration makes it very simple to drop a OneMob video and page into an email cadence or sequence.
Check out these video tips from SalesLoft.
Email isn’t working? Well….DON’T SEND AN EMAIL!
OneMob links can be added to text messages. Thanks to our friends at ZipWhip we know that “Nearly 98% of texts are read, usually in as little as 90 seconds.” That is NOT a typo, 98%! What are you waiting for? Create a link in OneMob and start texting away.
Not ready to plunge into the world of text messaging just yet? Why not try sending a direct message via LinkedIn? OneMob’s LinkedIn integration allows you to slide into someones DM’s….IN STYLE. Include a personalized video to create a warm connection with a new contact or send a video to a customer you haven’t heard from in a while.
See how to drop a OneMob video into a Linkedin Private Message here.
Looking for more email tips? Check out this page with tips from Vengreso, SalesLoft, and Dave Kurlan.