Top 10 OneMob Features from 2020

2021 is already looking brighter, but at OneMob we wanted to remind you of some of the amazing innovations that came out of 2020 that you can start using TODAY to make this your best year yet!

Here’s a list of our top 10 2020 features and how you can start using them (in no particular order).

  1. New Webcam Recorder – with nothing to install, our new webcam recorder is fast, simple and powerful. Take advantage of the integrated teleprompter to produce perfect videos and enjoy full high-definition recording. Pro tip – Recording from your computer is often easier than mobile because you don’t need to hold your phone or setup a tripod.
  2. Video Trimming – we released a new trimmer that can trim the beginning, end and NOW middle. This means you can record a video and not worry about those mistakes you made while recording. Record all the way till the end in 1 take and then trim them out with our easy-to-use video trimmer. Pro tip – you can also upload videos into OneMob and use our trimmer to fix them (will apply to #5).
  3. Video Merging – ever want to have an intro video before you cut to that demo? Well now you can by selecting the videos you desire, arranging the order and clicking Merge. That’s it! We will produce 1 video that merges all your videos together. Pro tip – you can merge any videos together in OneMob. Feel free to upload a video or even merge a video that was shared with you to collaborate on video content.
  4. Video Watermarking – we updated our watermarking so you can do it anytime. Before you record and NOW after. This is especially great if you produce the video someplace else and you want to upload into OneMob to edit, share, track. Add your company logo to any video to ensure it has your company’s branding. Pro tip – try uploading client logos so you can add their watermark to your videos too!
  5. Zoom Integration – you recorded your Zoom meeting now what? With OneMob for Zoom, you can automatically import all your cloud recordings, auto-tag them for easy discovery, edit them using Trim, Merge and our other video editing capabilities, and then send and track them to know who/what is being watched. This is a perfect way to share (and track) your meeting recording. Pro tip – Zoom has a fantastic virtual background feature with other special effects. Try recording a personal video in Zoom and use our integration to bring it over and use in your business outreach.
  6. Second Logo on Pages – when it’s time to share your OneMob video/content, take advantage of the second logo on the page to personalize the experience for your recipient. If you are selling to Company X or Y, put their logo next to yours to make it even more special. Pro tip – you can make as many pages as you want. Create a master page with the common content added and then make copies of this page to personalize for each client. Everyone loves seeing their logo.
  7. Office 365 and Gmail Integration – one of our most powerful features is the ability to email and track your OneMob videos/content. Now you can ensure every email you send, schedule and track in OneMob is going through your email server, not ours! Pro tip – before you send a OneMob email, be sure to set this up so the email comes from you AND this will also ensure the email shows up in your Sent Mail so you can follow up. Office 365 users get the added bonus of automatically appending their Outlook signature to every OneMob email you send.
  8. Animated Thumbnail – before you click Send, consider using an Animated Thumbnail (aka animated GIF). Every video you record or upload to OneMob will generate a static and animated thumbnail. Animated thumbnails make the image move in the email, LinkedIn message, text message, etc. The movement is one more way to capture your recipient’s attention and drive a click. Pro tip – animated thumbnails are great to use if you accidentally closed your eyes at the beginning of the recording. Instead of sending a thumbnail with your eyes closed, they will see you moving instead which helps to hide little mistakes like that.
  9. Admin/Manager Dashboard – if you’re the OneMob Admin or Manager for your group, you are going to LOVE our usage dashboard. It quickly summarizes the top 10 content (videos, docs, images, urls), top 10 pages, top 10 emails and top 10 links in a given date range. You can also filter by team and see a user leaderboard to see who’s setting the bar. Pro tip – the dashboard is the perfect place to see what’s working and identify what best practices can be shared across the team.
  10. Outlook Plugin – we know reps live and breathe inside of Outlook, so OneMob now does too. Install our Outlook plugin and you can access your entire OneMob library inside Outlook so you can quickly and easily add a video to any email you send. OneMob will still track all the engagement so you can know what’s happening the moment you click Send. Pro tip – OneMob for Outlook integrates with Salesforce and MS Dynamics, so we can also track all the engagement back to the Lead, Contact, Account and Opportunity to measure engagement to business outcomes.

That was more challenging than I thought! We released so many amazing things in 2020, it’s hard to pick the top 10. We hope these features and pro tips inspire you to get more out of video and OneMob in 2021. Want to see a demo of these features, check them all out here:

Have an idea of features we should consider? Share your feedback at

Stop being ignored by your customers and prospects with OneMob

Sati Hillyer

Sati Hillyer

Founder and CEO of OneMob

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